Saturday, May 9, 2009

Excitement in the air

…over a ruling pen!

I've been challenged to create two unique, distinctly different from one another, marks for my friend's company. I've done some experimenting with brushes and calligraphy pens both of which have yielded great results but don't quite have the personality I'm trying to achieve.

When in doubt, do a little research right? In case you were wondering, the world of hand lettering is – well – endless and impressing and maybe, perhaps slightly overwhelming. All of which I am prepared to embrace and forge through.

I had the opportunity in October to take a calligraphy class from a fabulously talented, wonderfully patient teacher – Bonnie – at McManus Morgan* courtesy of my boss. She opened my eyes to so many different styles and practices of lettering. We only learned two hands in our month long class – barely scratching the surface of possibility. I'd pour through Bonnie's books whenever we had the chance to look through them. I was amazed, intrigued, and delighted by what I saw. I wanted (still want) to do it all, learn it all, to simply play.

I'm going to try to letter my friend's marks with the following:

ruling pen
sumi brush
watercolor brush
calligraphy pens
paper plate
soda can
…and anything else I might come across in additional research.

Wish me luck!

*McManus Morgan is a downtown LA treasure and a must see.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Every so often, I'm given the opportunity to delight in my work. Even less often I'm given complete creative freedom with simply a hint of direction. Today, I was given both. And I can't wait to play. Thanks Kat!